Have you ever really considered what happens to everything you leave behind in the event of a tragedy?
Your collection of vinyl records, your dog, and your car all need to go somewhere. No matter how old you are, something could happen to you unexpectedly.
Who gets to decide what happens to you in a medical emergency?
What’s your plan?
Regardless of your age, having a will and medical power of attorney in place is smart. Even if you’re in your 20s and single, obtaining these important documents is easy, affordable, and necessary.
Even if you don’t think you have a lot of assets, you don’t want your debts or funeral costs to have to fall on your spouse, parents, a sibling, or another direct family member.
Obtaining a will and power of attorney is especially pertinent if you’re a parent, married, or you own a home or a business.
If you are not married but in a long-term relationship or engaged and you don’t have a will, your property would not go to your partner and they would not be able to make any medical decisions on your behalf if something happened.
With a will and power of attorney, you could designate an executor to carry out all of your wishes and protect those that you love in the event that something unexpected were to occur.
Although you’re probably young and healthy and do not expect your health to decline, accidents and life-threatening illnesses can occur at any moment.
Tragedy can strike any time, leaving you unable to communicate your preferences for medical treatment. Designating a medical power of attorney prevents this from falling on just anyone.
It also prevents any opportunity for your family to be tossed into conflict over what decision to make.
Thinking about your future is essential, predominantly today where the unforeseen occurs all the time. Creating a will and choosing someone to be your medical power of attorney is a smart was to protect you from being blindsided by a tragedy.
Without these directives in place, there may not be any opportunity for your wishes to be carried out. Taking care of your future starts with some simple planning, even if you think you don’t need it.